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Best Kids Bike - What's The Best Bike For A Child To Learn On?

Posted on
Nov 09, 2021
Read time
3 mins

So you’re thinking about buying your child’s first bike, or maybe they’re ready to progress to a kid’s mountain bike. You might even be looking into kid’s BMX bikes! Regardless of the reason, purchasing your child a new bike is one of many exciting milestones in children’s lives as they gain more independence and learn new skills.

If you’re not quite sure where to start, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. You’ll find the best kid’s bike for your child in no time! Read on to find out what you need to know when choosing the best kid’s bike.

The right size for your child

The first step to choosing the best kids bike is to find the right size for your child. We offer different sized bikes to help you find the best fit to suit every age.

Balance bikes are light, two-wheeled bikes for toddlers with no pedals or training wheels. They give children independence along with safety, and are a great way to teach little ones the core skills needed to ride a standard bike. Learn more about how balance bikes work here.

Our 12-inch bikes are the same size as our balance bikes, but come with a set of working pedals like a standard bike. This size of kid’s bike also comes with a set of training wheels for tiny tots just getting started.

Check out the graphic below to see what sizes are available from Vuly.

Kids bike size guide - Vuly Play

Kids bike size guide - Vuly Play

What's The Best Bike For A Child To Learn On?

The best bike for a child to learn on is a balance bike or a classic bike with training wheels. These types of bikes are much safer and reduce the chance of injury. 

Huge Bike Sale

Key features to look for

Warranty: The best bike for kids is a safe bike. Choose high quality equipment with a good warranty behind it - it’ll give you peace of mind knowing the manufacturer believes in their products and knows they’ll withstand a bit of rough play.

At Vuly, our warranties are:

 Kids bike warranty inclusions - Vuly Play


Soft hand grips: As your kids learn to ride a bike, they’ll be relying on the handlebars for a bit of physical and mental security. Vuly hand grips are made from ultra soft compound for all day support.



An ergonomic seat: The fun won’t last long with an uncomfortable seat! All Vuly bikes feature an ergonomic saddle designed for kids - perfect for a comfortable ride.



A quality helmet: A high quality, well fitted helmet is crucial for protecting your little one on their new bike. After all, safety first!



Compatible accessories: For kids new to biking, you’ll probably be after some compatible training wheels - these come standard with our 12 inch bike. Some other great accessories your kid will love include protection kits, bike baskets, and bike lights for night or dusk riding.



New or used bikes?

Buying a used kid’s bike can come with its own set of risks, especially for young ones who might not be able to tell when something doesn’t quite feel right. You’ll need to closely inspect each part, and if enough parts need fixing or replacing, a brand new bike could end up being the more inexpensive choice.

If the pricing comes close, don’t forget about the warranty.

One of the biggest benefits to purchasing a brand new, quality bike is the associated warranty. If any part of a new Vuly bike is damaged within the warranty period for example, you might be able to have it replaced or repaired for free, depending on the situation.

For a used bike however, you have no warranty to rely on and will definitely have to pay for these extra costs out of pocket.


What should it cost?



At Vuly, we love encouraging outdoor play, and we have a range of kid’s bikes to choose from. Whether you want to give a toddler balance bike a go, want to teach your kid how to ride a bike, or your kid wants to explore the world of BMX bikes, we’ve got something to suit every family.

Victor Volynski
Article by
Victor Volynski
Content marketer with expertise in innovative play equipment, Vic is always following the latest trends and developments in this area and trying to find the best options for maximum fun! Vic is also an ex-gymnast with 20 years of experience and holds a science degree, making him an authority on trampolines, monkey bars, and swing sets.
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