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Trampoline Dodgeball

Posted on
Jul 01, 2010
Read time
1 min

This sport basically combines two of our favourite nerdy things: a trampoline and the sport of dodgeball. Put them together and you have one seriously awesome sport, Trampoline Dodgeball.


trampoline dodgeball.jpg


How To Play Trampoline Dodgeball:

Trampoline dodgeball plays much like regular dodgeball. 

The game starts with an equal number of players lying facedown on their stomachs opposite each other. 

When the game starts players stand up and run for the dodgeballs placed alongside the middle boundary line. The objective is to grab the balls faster than the opposition.

Once this initial part of the game is complete, players need to throw their balls at the opposition. If an opponent is hit directly, then they're out. If the ball touched the ground before it struck them, they're still in. If the ball hit them directly but they caught it, then you're out and one of the opposition players that were out returns into the game. 

The team that survives the longest in the game wins. 

It's always important to wait for the right moment to throw your ball. Often this involves baiting the opposition to throw first, as this allows you to throw your ball without being challenged. 

The trampolines also provide cool ways to dodge incoming balls, as flips and dives become viable options! 



Victor Volynski
Article by
Victor Volynski
Content marketer with expertise in innovative play equipment, Vic is always following the latest trends and developments in this area and trying to find the best options for maximum fun! Vic is also an ex-gymnast with 20 years of experience and holds a science degree, making him an authority on trampolines, monkey bars, and swing sets.
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