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How to Do a Backflip on a Trampoline for Beginners

Posted on
Jun 24, 2023
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4 mins

Learning how to do a backflip on a trampoline can seem like a daunting task for beginners. It’s an impressive physical feat, and requires a lot of skill. 

A backflip, or back somersault, is an acrobatic move where one flips backwards vertically. Learning how to do a backflip for beginners offers a fantastic way to build coordination and aerial awareness. It's also a great way to boost your confidence, and prove to yourself that you’re capable of this awesome skill. 

However, before you start on this journey, it's important to ensure you're in good physical shape. This move is tough and needs a lot of strength, particularly in your core and legs. Incorrect technique or lack of supervision can lead to injuries. Therefore, it's crucial to approach this skill with caution and proper guidance.



Choosing The Right Place To Practice A Backflip

When you're learning to do a backflip, it's important to choose the right place. Beginners should always learn how to do a backflip on a trampoline - either at trampoline parks or on a backyard trampoline. 


Why Trampolines Are Helpful For Learning How To Backflip

If you're new to backflips, starting with a trampoline can be a great idea. A trampoline provides a softer, bouncier surface than the ground, reducing the impact on your body and providing the extra lift needed to complete a backflip, making the learning process safer and more manageable.

If you’re wondering how much does a trampoline cost, it depends on the type of trampoline you choose, whether it's a low-range, middle-range, or high-range model. The price range can vary between $200 - $3000, although generally for bigger skills a bigger and more expensive trampoline with better safety features is best. Each model offers different features and durability, so it's worth considering what suits your specific needs and budget.


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Crash mats for backflips

Apart from a trampoline, you might also think about getting safety gear like crash mats. Crash mats are a type of specialized padding that is designed to provide a soft landing surface. These are perfect for learning how to backflip as they can soften hard landings and prevent injuries.  


Preparing Your Body for Backflips

Being able to do a backflip means that you have to be in good physical shape. It requires strong legs, core muscles, and overall flexibility for smooth execution. To prepare your body for this, you can do exercises like sit ups to strengthen your core, jumping squats to make your leg muscles stronger, and back stretches to become more flexible.

But backflips aren't just about physical strength; they require mental strength too. Cultivating focus and confidence through visualization techniques and progressive learning can make the process less intimidating.


The Backflip: Step-by-Step Guide

Performing a backflip involves several steps: warming up, jumping, tucking, flipping, and landing. Understanding the mechanics of these movements is key to performing a successful backflip.

Now that you are physically prepared and your trampoline is clean and ready, it's time to learn how to do a backflip for beginners.


1. Warming Up

Before you even start, you need to warm up. This step is crucial to prepare your body for the physical exertion ahead and to prevent any injuries.


2. Jumping

The first active step in doing a backflip is the jump. The higher you can jump, the more time you'll have to complete your flip. When jumping, you should use your entire body. Push down with your legs to propel yourself upwards, extend your arms upwards to gain height, and keep your core muscles tight.


3. Tucking

After you've mastered the jump, the next step is the tuck. This is where you pull your knees into your chest as quickly as you can after jumping. The faster and tighter you can tuck, the faster you'll rotate.


4. Flipping

Now comes the most challenging part: the flip itself. The momentum from the tuck and your body position will carry you through the flip. However, the important thing here is to keep everything tight. Try to look straight ahead throughout the whole flip and don’t throw your head back. 


5. Landing

The final step of the backflip is the landing. As you complete the flip, you need to extend your legs and prepare to land on your feet. When landing, try to bend your knees to absorb the impact and prevent any injuries. It takes some time to get used to the timing, but once you understand when you need to open, the landing should become natural. 


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Common Backflip Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


1. Insufficient Jump Height

One of the most common mistakes is not jumping high enough before initiating the flip. The height of your jump affects the amount of time you have to carry out the flip. Before you attempt to flip, practice jumping on the trampoline and reaching as high as you can. This will also help build the necessary leg strength for the flip.


2. Improper Tuck Technique

A poorly executed tuck can impede your rotation and result in an incomplete flip. Often, beginners fail to draw their knees sufficiently close to their chest or may not tuck in a timely manner. Repeatedly practice your tuck: jump vertically, either on the ground or on a trampoline, and swiftly pull your knees to your chest. Remember, the quicker and tighter the tuck, the faster the rotation.


3. Inappropriate Head Movement

Many beginners have a tendency to throw their heads back when initiating the flip. This can throw off your balance and make the flip harder to control. Keep your head neutral and eyes forward when you jump. This helps maintain balance and alignment. The flip comes from the force of the tuck, not from throwing your head back.


4. Stiff Landing

Landing with your legs straight or stiff can cause injury, as it doesn't allow for proper absorption of the impact. Always aim to land with your knees slightly bent. Practice this by jumping on the spot and landing with bent knees and your hands forward - this is called a motorbike landing. This technique can help you absorb the impact more effectively when landing the backflip.


5. Rushing the Process

Learning how to do a backflip for beginners takes time, and rushing the process can lead to mistakes or even injury. Take your time with each step from mastering the jump, then the tuck, and finally, the flip. Practice each part separately before putting it all together. It’s always best to have a spotter in case something goes wrong. 

Everyone makes mistakes when learning something new. The key is to learn from these mistakes and keep practicing.


Victor Volynski
Article by
Victor Volynski
Content marketer with expertise in innovative play equipment, Vic is always following the latest trends and developments in this area and trying to find the best options for maximum fun! Vic is also an ex-gymnast with 20 years of experience and holds a science degree, making him an authority on trampolines, monkey bars, and swing sets.
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