A good age for a cubby house is between 1 and 10 years old. There are many improvements that you can make to the cubby house, which can make it viable for older children as well.
Cubby houses for toddlers are usually much smaller. Often these cubbies are made from plastic, as this allows them to be more portable. They're great for providing toddlers with a pretend space where they can make a mess with minimal consequence.
A good toddler cubby house will be a miniture replica of a house, with a door and windows. Toddlers will be able to peak through and play many exciting games. There's also space for toys inside, and so the little house can be used as a little storage place for your little one.
Cubby houses for children are generally much bigger. They often feature other components as well such as a slipepry slide and climbing net. These cubby houses sometimes have themes and are designed to allow for maximum play.
Accessories on these types of cubby houses often include telescopes, steering wheels, mail boxes and various toys. Sometimes children's cubby houses also feature a play kitchen, where kids can pretend to cook and play at science.
Although cubby houses are generally thougt of as play houses for younger children, there are many adaptations to the concept that can make them fun for older kids as well. Some cool ideas for cubby houses, is to integrate them as part of a swing set.
While they're younger, kids will use the cubby house a lot, but as they get older they'll tend to use the other more dynamic elemnts of the playset.