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Bounce into Trampoline Sports

Posted on
Nov 22, 2013
Read time
3 mins

Do you have a little one at home who loves to jump on their bed, your bed, or the couch? Do they hop their way down the supermarket isle, leap out of the car, jump out of trees, bound into swimming pools and spring off the edge of the verandah?

You're likely to be concerned about their safety, troubled by the state of your furniture, and searching for a way to channel their kangaroo-like tendencies into something productive - all at the same time.

Well, the good news is that your child probably doesn't need to have their shoes stapled to the ground as you'd worried, and they're likely to enjoy the sport of trampolining! There is no better outlet for an overenthusiastic bouncer's pent up vertical energy; it's both fun and stimulating.



Are Trampoline Sports Safe?

Trampolining can seem scary at first but, while you may be having visions of plaster casts and crutches, it is actually a lot safer than many traditional sports played on solid ground. Plus, trampolines have improved in quality and safety since your own days of jumping on a rectangular trampoline, which probably involved missing springs, broken frames, torn mats, non-existent safety padding or wonky ground; possibly even all of the above.

Vuly Trampolines are incredibly safe, so you no longer have to worry about skin pinching between springs or fat lips caused by contact injuries. In fact, trampolining is a lot safer than most sports played on the ground. You'll know that if you've ever taken a cricket bat to the face or fallen off a bicycle.

When Should Your Child Start Trampoline Sports?

A child can take up trampolining from a very young age. Here at Vuly, we often receive feedback from doting parents who are impressed at just how much their toddler's motor skills have improved since taking up regular bouncing.

"I think my almost-two-year-old will be an Olympic tramper one day as her balance and confidence are beyond compare due to the daily practice!" one of our customers said recently in an email.

This commitment of daily trampoline fun is quite easy to achieve with one in the backyard - you'll find it hard to get your kids off it and inside for dinner.

Trampoline Gymnastics As A Sport

As your little jumping-jack grows, you might like to start looking at ways to further their trampolining, such as joining a gymnastics club or taking up trampolining at your local PCYC.

"Trampolining is the perfect sport to teach your child safe and developmentally sound aerial skills, whilst also developing coordination and body awareness," Gymnastics Australia says. "Trampoline sports challenge the body and mind to reach new goals."

Organised classes will teach your child how to jump safely on larger trampolines, and encourage their inner trickster with basic lessons in acrobatics. As their abilities develop they'll start to learn skills that involve more coordination, aerial sequences, and more complicated routines.

As part of a team or club individuals also develop great social skills, learn to take directions and contribute to combined success. This is great for their confidence and self-esteem at a young age.


It's not hard to believe that a keen little bouncer like yours could one day be a professional trampoline athlete like Vuly athletes Ben Wilden and Kat Driscoll, who both started trampolining at a young age and are now international champions.

"My career actually began in my parents' backyard in Adelaide when I was just a kid," Ben says. "My dad loved to show my brother and me new tricks and safety techniques."

And even if you don't end up with a professional trampolinist in the family, there is great fun to be had in a group environment and you will be confident that your children have learnt how to safely challenge themselves on their trampoline.

Visit our website to find the best trampoline for your little jumping bean, or call 1300 667 514 for more information.

Victor Volynski
Article by
Victor Volynski
Content marketer with expertise in innovative play equipment, Vic is always following the latest trends and developments in this area and trying to find the best options for maximum fun! Vic is also an ex-gymnast with 20 years of experience and holds a science degree, making him an authority on trampolines, monkey bars, and swing sets.
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